Welcome to the Clan Ayson Website
It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you. For those who are visiting this superb website for the first time I am sure you will be impressed with its comprehensive history of Clan Ayson who settled in New Zealand in 1853.
This website was launched in February 2015 following the National Reunion held in Dunedin in March 2013. It was realised then that we needed to move into the “digital age” to relate the “Ayson Story;” and, to foster the interest of the younger generation in their forebears. The Family Tree with over 6700 names back to 1575 was made available to family soon after.
A few days after our very successful National Reunion (19th -21st Oct 2018, organised by Sub-Chief Bevin Watt) held in the beautiful town of Gore, I was excited to learn that our Ayson Facebook had been set up. By joining our private Ayson Group, you will be able to share photos and stories of interest on Facebook.
For access to the Ayson Family Tree (which is synchronised to www.ancestry.com.au) you will need to obtain permissions using the procedure found under the tab “Tree” at the top of this page.
I implore all members of Clan Ayson to be proactive in adding to and updating your family histories to the website - and especially the Family Tree that needs photos. With your enthusiasm and assistance, this venture will ensure the information therein will remain both interesting and informative to young and old in the years to come.
My sincere gratitude is extended to our National Secretary Lindy Daniell, with the assistance of Dot Johnson, for her unstinting dedication, enthusiasm, motivation, and long hours devoted to ensuring the website, the Family Tree and Facebook are a complete and accurate record. The Clan is indebted to Michelle Fisken for her advice and expert construction of our website; and, to Alan Ayson (dec’d) for supplying the digital data of the “The Ayson Story.”
The Clan Ayson Reunion held in Wellington the weekend of 6 October 2023 was a tremendous success. We acknowledged and celebrated the arrival of our Scottish ancestors; Peter and Douglas and their family in 1853, 170 years ago, and Alexander and Joan and their family in 1856, 167 years ago. Judging by the positive remarks of over 90 who attended it would be fair to say all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and departed on a happy note and determined to be at the next one.
To mark the occasion the premier of a movie about the Aysons journey to New Edinburgh was screened. Our thanks to the Toitu Otago Settlers Museum who commisioned the 8 part series telling the reasons why so many came to settle in Dunedin.
The reunion also provided a special opportunity for many to learn for the first time about the history of their ancestors, their family roots and to which branch of the Clan they belonged. For many it was a special time to reconnect or renew their relationships with descendants of the wider “Family Tree” and from previous reunions. The number of both young and old who made that special effort to come to Reunion 2023 certainly indicates that we as a Clan are strong and closely bonded for many, many decades to come. What was special to me were significant number of Australian cousins who turned up and afterwards spent time touring and visiting those who they had met at the reunion.
The Wharewaka Function Centre was the ideal venue for our event. Additionally, it was symbolic in that when the Royal Albert arrived at Port Chalmers with Peter, Douglas and family on 6 March 1853 having sailed for four months from London, the local Maori of Ōtākou were the first group to welcome them thus showing goodwill.
The rest of the happenings at the reunion can be seen in the 2023 Clan Ayson Family Reunion Wellington report and on Facebook. Thank you sincerely to all who attended and to Lindy Daniell and Dianne Buchan for their magnificent organisation – it could not have been better!
Yours Aye,
Hugh Francis (1.13.3)
Clan Chief of Ayson (the 9th)
For more information contact us by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.